Shades of Color: In-depth interview
Dina Bova In-depth Interview in 18 pages for Shades of Color photography magazine, issue 11.

In-depth Interview for ArtJobs
Interview for ArtJobs - one of the most interesting interviews I did so far.

Book cover - "Live Where the Imagination Is"
I'm happy to share that my artwork "Feelings and reason" became a cover of a poetry book "Live Where the Imagination Is" by a talented...

New section - BOOKS!
I've added a new section "Books" section to my site with my self-published books. You can list them page by page and purchase, if you...

"Best Photographers VII" book
My portfolio in "Best Photographers VII", book, PhotoArt 2014 Scroll 11 pages Enjoy and share with friends :) #photo #dinabova...

"Digitalis Foto" magazine
My portfolio in Digital Photo - Digitalis Foto - Hungarian printed magazine. October 2014 issue 10 pages + magazine cover. Scroll the...